Accompanying the Phoenix

Chapter 39

. . .

Shen Li’s recovery was exceptionally fast; her body had mostly healed by next morning . When she opened her eyes and looked around she saw that Shi Luo, the sleeping woman Yan had been caring for, was awake and sitting quietly in a corner . Upon noticing her gaze, Shi Luo waved . Shen Li returned the greeting .

Turning in the other direction Shen Li saw Xing Zhi leaning against a pillar with his eyes closed . A ray of sunshine shone through the torn window paper[notes] onto his face . He looked at leisure and idle . In a daze, it reminded Shen Li of the tiny courtyard and the man who habitually sat in his rocking chair under the grape trellis .

Shen Li closed her eyes and calmed her thoughts to clear her mind . When she opened them again she found Xing Zhi staring at her .

"How is your body?”

“Good . . . ” Shen Li purposefully blinked twice before swiftly standing up and opening the temple door . Morning light streamed in, bathing her in a warm glow . Even without any wind, the miasma had dissipated overnight and the air was considerably cleaner . Shen Li sucked in a deep breath . Her face was still pale but her eyes were bright and clear . With a slight smile she said, “We didn’t catch the mastermind, but to experience this kind of peace is also good . ”

Xing Zhi’s shoulders were stiff from sleeping against the pillar all night . He kneaded his arm . “In my opinion it’s because Your Highness lacks wisdom and doesn’t have nearly enough life experiences . ” His words came out husky from having just woken up .

Shen Li raised her eyebrows at this . “It’s strange, but before meeting high god, whether it was on the battlefield or in a personal fight, I have never been injured like this . Suddenly after meeting high god every fight hurt and every injury is serious . ” She continued in a semi-mocking tone . “Can’t say for sure, but if this continues I might even die . If that happens high god better be ready to make proper compensation . ”

Xing Zhi laughed . “Utter nonsense . ”

Shen Li turned her head to look at him . Now joking she said, “I hate to say this high god, but my body is very precious .

Xing Zhi stood up and patted his clothes, arranging the fabric carelessly to one side before speaking . “Should that day come, then I, Xing Zhi, will compensate you for the loss . ”

Shen Li didn’t expect him to say such a thing . She stared blankly at him for a moment before smiling and shaking her head . What could she say to that?

“Ah!” came an alarmed cry came from outside the temple . Shen Li recognized Xi’s voice immediately . Shi Lou was still sitting quietly in her corner when the cry rang out . She leaned forward to look outside .

With her brows still wrinkled, Shen Li stepped through the doors . She hadn’t reached the source of the noise when a clamor broke out . Many people were standing in a circle and whispering as they watched .

Xi stood inside the circle . Her voice sounded anxious as she cried out . “Brother Yan! What are you doing?!”

Shen Li broke through the crowd just in time to see Fu Rongjun thrown to the ground .

Instead of looking embarrassed, he looked pleased with himself, as though he’d just gotten his away with something wicked . Standing next to him was Yan . Though he looked sallow his body was emitting a great aura of murderous intent . It was as though he was trying to kill Fu Rongjun with the power of his gaze alone .

Xi moved to stand in front of Fu Rongjun, blocking him from view . She resentfully said, “Brother Yan! That’s too much!”

Yan’s face was cold . “Get out of the way . Today is the last straw!”

Fu Rongjun coolly said, “Your good senior brother is very violent Little Xi!”

Shen Li didn’t have to think about it; she could tell what was happening immediately . Her expression was cold as she stepped forward and kicked Fu Rongjun in the butt . “What is this? Stand up . Stop and harassing people . ”

Angry, Fu Rongjun turned around to see who kicked him . His anger turned into surprise when he saw it was Shen Li . He said, “Tough guy! That was a fast recovery!”

Xing Zhi slowly walked over .

Seeingt this, Fu Rongjun gasped and energetically sprang up into a proper standing position . He waved his hand, shooing away the people who were watching . “That’s enough . There’s nothing more to see here . Return home . ”

The crowd dispersed but one person remained behind . When Xi caught sight of who it was, her expression froze and she dropped her head in silence .

Yan watched as Xi lowered her head, he turned to find Shī Luó standing there, her face getting paler by the second as she looked at them . He stared in surprise at her . Though the angry expression on his face softened, his hands curled into fists .

Xing Zhi had a slight smile playing on his lips as he reached the group . “Fu Rongjun, this play ended so quickly I didn’t get to see it . ”

Fu Rongjun’s lips twitched . “High God Xing Zhi, yesterday you commanded me to leave for heaven post haste . I, Fu Rongjum, wouldn’t dare delay even a little bit . ”

“Oh? Now you want to leave?” Hearing this made Yan’s heart boil with rage . He pulled his sword out of its scabbard and aimed it at Fu Rongjun’s belly .

Ignoring the danger, Xi hurriedly interposed herself between the two . “What are you doing?!”

Yan curved the sword mid-air and threw it to the ground .

The loud clang of the sword surprised both Xi and Shī Luó . Xi stared in stunned silence at the normally calm and reserved Yan . It seemed he could no longer restrain himself . In an angry voice he yelled, “Why don’t you tell me what you were doing! Staying out all night with some strange guy!”

Xi stared blinking at Yan for some time before replying . “Lord immortal showed me the sky...”

Yan’s face turned green . Shen Li glanced doubtfully at Fu Rongjun as she asked, “Seriously?”

Fu Rongjun brought two fingers up in a gesture of an oath . “Of course, yes . ” He glanced at Yan . “Little Xi’s senior brother is full of fire isn’t he? Was jealousy nibbling at his bones when he couldn’t find her the entire night?”

Xi looked at Yan with bright, hopeful eyes . Yan’s own eyes were dark and hard to read . He shot a glance at Shī Luó but otherwise didn’t say anything . The hopeful light in Xi’s eyes dimmed considerably . She had the sudden urge to ask him why he cared so much about Miss Shī Luó . He had told her there was a reason, but hadn’t told her what it was .

Xing Zhi spoke up, breaking the silence . What he said stunned everyone . “All this flirting is quite dizzying . The ladies must be tired . Young Master Yan will you take a walk with me?” All eyes turned to him . Laughing he said, “Please do not misunderstand . I simply wish to take a walk . ”

There were no people, wildlife, or heavenly beings in the woods outside the temple . Together, the two walked in silence, their steps taking them farther and farther away from the building .

Finally Xing Zhi spoke . “Young Master Yan is studying under the Dao to learn magic correct?”

Yan hesitated but answered frankly . “Honestly speaking, I’m ashamed of myself . I have followed my master since I was a child, but I haven’t learned the slightest bit of magic . My master says I don’t have an affinity for it so I can only learn some martial arts . ”

Xing Zhi silently walked two more steps before speaking . “If Young Master Yan wishes, there is a spell I can teach . This spell can force poisonous miasma out of the body . Is Young Master Yan interested?”

“I want to learn but... I...”

“If Young Master Yan wishes to learn, then it will surely be a success . ” Xing Zhi stopped moving and raised an arm up to lightly touched Yan’s forehead . Bright light flowed forward . It encompassed all of Yan’s vision and engulfed his body .

Yan’s eyes had turned an awe inspiring, bright, lively silver . Though the smile on Xing Zhi’s face was slight, it was clear it was a happy one . “Qing Ye,***SPOILER*** it’s been a while . ”

“My old friend Xing Zhi . ” Qing Ye (Yan) sighed . “I didn’t think we would ever meet again . ”[notes]

“Had it not been for the young ladies of the past generation intersecting, I would never have known your reincarnated form . ” Xing Zhi shook his head . ” The forces of the Heavenly Dao are powerful . It’s only because I am a god that I am here now . But even as a god I am unable to peer in or deviate from the path set . To be able to find you is already truly fated . ”

Qing Ye laughed a small bitter laugh . “Before I was naïve and behaved frivolously, but with each passing generation, I understand how binding the Heavenly Dao is . All of us, you and I, without exception are just grains of dust and sand . Fortune and strength are all bestowed by the heavens . It will give and it will take . No matter who you are, it is fruitless to resist . ” He sighed . “My friend Xing Zhi, the Heavenly Dao will not like you rousing my godhead . It is surely not good idea!”

“I won’t do anything unnecessary beyond this, but will you allow your present incarnation to use your meridians to learn a miasma dispelling technique?” Xing Zhi paused before continuing with, “Also open your Heavenly Eye and look through your previous lives . Find the one you have been seeking . This way your red thread won’t continue to be wrongly entangled . ”[notes]

Qing Ye laughed . “Contrary to popular belief, you quite like to meddle don’t you? This matter won’t be looked upon favorably by the heavens . ”[notes]

That made Xing Zhi laugh . “There’s one more thing I want to ask you . Do you remember a person named Fu Sheng?”

Qing Ye muttered to himself . “A little bit . In the early days back before I was king***SPOILERS*** and the crown prince was scheming various murders, I heard there was an advisor by that name . This Fu Sheng person played a crucial role in the fight for the throne between myself and the crown prince . I remember he was executed . ”

“Is there a person in this generation that resembles him?”

“This...” He thought for some time before replying . “Oh . There really is a person . In this life, I was orphaned at a young age after my parents suffered some misfortune . I survived two years of hardship before meeting a young lady . With her help I was able to escape the misfortune following me . Then I chanced to meet Xi’s parents but at the same time the young lady who helped me before passed away . Thinking about things now, the person who harmed my parents really did resemble Fu Sheng . ”

Xing Zhi was silent . A cold light had settled in his eyes as he thought over Qing Ye’s words . As he did this Qing Ye’s silvery light eyes began to fade . With a small smile Qing Ye said, “Your spiritual powers can only hold me here for so long . It is time for me to bid you farewell . I do not know when we will meet again . Take care of yourself my friend . ”

Xing Zhi’s eyes darkened but he laughed nonetheless . “And you as well . ”

The brilliant light faded and Yan fell to his knees . Xing Zhi supported him . “Try touching the ground . ”

Yan’s body was so weak he didn’t really have much choice but to brace his hands on the ground . He noticed his palms were warm . Upon looking down he saw the ground directly under his touch was purified . “This... this is?”

“Purification technique,” Xing Zhi said . “Your ability just woke up so you’ll suffer some discomfort . Go back and rest . You’ll be able to eliminate the poison from the others in a few days . ”

Yan was amazed . He jogged back to the temple as soon as he was able to stand up .

After watching Yan’s figure disappear, Xing Zhi picked up a stone and threw it at a tree behind him . "How long does Your Highness intend to stand there?”

Shen Li slowly came out from behind the tree . She cleared her throat before speaking . “I was just out on a casual stroll . ”

Xing Zhi laughed . “Is that so? Then why not accompany me in my walk?”

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