The Great Thief

Chapter 1247 - Shudu

Chapter 1247: Shudu

Translator: Halcyon Translations Editor: Halcyon Translations

They thought that they wouldn’t see White Westhill until the match, but they bumped into him in Shudu.

Gale Legion had been stationed in Shudu for many years.

Apparently, there were a group of players from Glory Capital that became famous and successful and took the money that they made to buy out Gale Legion. Sorrowless also invested a portion of his money into the development of Gale Legion. They were able to develop quickly over the past few years because of the funds and had become the biggest guild in Shudu.

Gale Legion and Glory Capital had a strange relationship that even the people from the two guilds could not really specify.

However, one thing for sure was that Glory Capital did not own Gale Legion. While Sorrowless owned a significant percentage of the guild, they were more like allies. If Sorrowless was to retire from the gaming scene, the two guilds would go their separate ways.

On April 1st – April Fool’s Day – Ruling Sword travelled to Shudu for their second match against Gale Legion.

Lu Li was very confident about this match and knew that they had a 90% chance of winning. Rather than a competition, it was more of a short holiday for many of the Ruling Sword members. Lu Li even brought along his little sister who had been stuck at home all day and begging for Lu Li to take her out.

Shudu was an old city with thousands of years of history. There were various tourist attractions and landmarks that were worth visiting.

The war 200 years ago did not affect this city, so many areas were preserved in their original state.

After a while, everyone went their separate ways for free time.

They decided not to follow the tour guide organized by Gale Legion because the entire guild hated Ruling Sword, including the tour guide. Lu Li decided he might as well go his own way instead of having his time wasted.

Lu Xin was rarely out and this ancient city was completely different from the more-modern Gangnam.

Shudu had something to do for all ages – good food, good views and good women. Every corner of the city had a unique style. Some were quiet, others were bustling, some were spacious and others flourishing.

Surprisingly, there were quite a few Ruling Sword fans in the city.

Tournament Players were public figures and were treated like celebrities. Lu Li made a poor effort of disguising himself and staying lowkey. There were still many fans that recognized them because they knew that today was the day that Ruling Sword arrived.

When a guild established themselves in a city, both the guild and the city merged and influenced the culture of each other.

For example, Glory Capital was also referred to as Imperial Capital because they were situated in the Imperial Capital. However, many residents were unsatisfied with Gale Legion’s performance and decided to support Ruling Sword instead.

Shudu was beautiful, just like the tour guide had mentioned before.

“Shudu is a city that makes you want to stay forever.”

The match started in the afternoon. Even though both teams knew the likely outcome, neither sides were planning to let their guard down. They had to give it their all, not for their own sake, but also to show respect for the opposing team. Ruling Sword was grateful for the hospitality of the city of Shudu.

In the single elimination match, Lu Li sent out Fat Monkey as the first player. He had been working on his game a lot with the officially employed Cat Dad. Since then, his appearance in tournaments had increased and he had even been trusted with the role of being the first player.

The first appearance was best used to train up people and give them more experience.

Fortunately, when Lu Li was backstage with Fat Monkey, he could tell that Fat Monkey was not nervous at all. His opponent was Flowing Wind, a pure DPS Paladin. In theory, Mages had the upper hand because they could just kite the melee Paladin.

However, Fat Monkey never played according to the books. Instead of holding his position, he charged towards Flowing Wind.

Lu Li looked back at Cat Dad and said while laughing, “Maybe he wants to practice his positioning and kiting skills. He’s been working on them over the past few days.”

Cat Dad’s face was furious and he pointed towards the stage while shouting, “Are you an idiot? If you’re going to practice your positioning, then practice kiting him. Why are you going into melee range...?”

“Haha, but what you see in Fat Monkey is his fearless style of play, right?” Lu Li laughed.

If you were a teacher and had a student that consistently performed well throughout the year, but failed to show up on the final test, then everything they worked hard for meant nothing. There were a lot of players like that in the gaming community, players who seemed very strong on paper, but always failed to perform under pressure.

Fat Monkey was one of those players who never let the pressure get to him, no matter how big the stage or how powerful his opponent was.

“Flowing Wind is very powerful, but his downside is his positioning. Fat Monkey is definitely planning something.”

Lu Li was very observant and could easily tell his weaknesses.

Fat Monkey kept moving back and forth to taunt him, causing Flowing Wind to become furious.

Flowing Wind was already someone who was easily angered. Fat Monkey’s actions, speech and expressions pushed him over the top and he became extremely mad.

Flowing Wind kept chasing after Fat Monkey...

The crowd was excited to see such an intense fight. The casual fans of Gale Legion thought that Flowing Wind had the upper hand because he was chasing Fat Monkey around. However, in reality, Fat Monkey has controlled the tempo of this fight completely.

When Flowing Wind calmed down, his HP was quite low.

Fat Monkey still had around half of his HP. As a new-ish player, it was very impressive of him to control a veteran player in the palm of his hands. In reality, Fat Money wasn’t as strong as Flowing Winds.

Next up for Gale Legion was Gaze.

He was also another veteran that had debuted around the same time as Moonlight. Fat Monkey stopped messing around and became very serious. He played the match so perfectly that it could be used as a Mage vs Warrior PvP guide.

However, he was still unable to do much against the Warrior who was a hard counter against him.

Fat Monkey was being pummeled, but did his best to try and lower his opponent’s HP as much as possible.

Fat Monkey was defeated and Moonlight volunteered to face up against his old rival.

The two went back and forth against one another and had a great fight, with Gaze being the one who was sent off.

The final score was 5:4, ending with Lu Li standing on stage with an almost full bar of HP.

In the single elimination match up, Gale Legion had lost by an entire bar of HP .

The map for the Team Elimination Match was chosen by Gale Legion. Even though it was impossible for them to advance any further, they had to try their best for the last match.

They chose a Rainforest map that had huge trees and was covered with vines. The terrain was very confusing and it was the most difficult map to navigate through.

Who knew how long Gale Legion had practiced on this map for?

Although they had already lost the competition, if they were able to outshine Ruling Sword in the Team Elimination Match, then at least they would go out strong.

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