Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 194 - A Friendly Match- California Vs Texas

Jason was sitting on one of the benches. He tied up his hair and put it in his somewhat iconic manbun. 

After tying up his hair he reached into his sports bag and pulled out the headband that Kyle\'s mom had made back during the county tournament.

As he pulled it out he couldn\'t help but smile as he held it in his hand. After putting on the headband he changed out of his everyday wear shoes to his game shoes.

After lacing them up and making sure that they were nice and tight Jason stood up as he began to stretch.

While stretching Jason would touch the bottom of his shoes to make sure that they still had good traction.

\'Hmmm the right one has a little more tread and grip than the left. Am I using my right too much to pivot? Or am I shifting directions with my right more?\'

Not only did he check the condition of his shoes to check whether or not he needed a new pair. He even used something as seemingly ignorable as his shoe condition to try and analyze his game.

As he stretched he couldn\'t help but think back to the dialogue that just took place a few minutes ago.

\'Monty seems like the kind of guy that likes to be in charge. And it doesn\'t seem like he\'s all that close with the guys other than his actual teammates.

I mean sure it\'s a regular thing for friends to take shots at each other and to tease each other. But the way that Mojo reacted to Monty tells me that they\'re not exactly friends.

Monty and his friends sound like they\'re from the Houston area. Mojo and Mike sound kinda different but I can\'t really say for sure.\'

After spending a few minutes stretching Jason felt like he was ready to start warming up. He took the ball out of his sports bag and walked out to the court to get some shots up.

Danilo and Alex were already in the middle of shooting some threes while 3D was practicing his post moves as well as his mid range shot.

Kyle was practicing some hook shots while also rebounding the balls after everyone else shoots. Jason walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"How you feeling Kyle? First actual five on five game against people that aren\'t on the same team as you since your injury."

Kyle had a slight smile on his face as he answered "You know what Jaya? I actually feel pretty good. I\'m excited for this.

It\'s a good thing that you pushed me to practice and to workout after getting back from that ankle sprain.

The first few weeks were so rough. Walking and doing everyday stuff was cool. But once it came to basketball I felt like a stranger in a different body.

It was like I lost all the confidence that I had in my body. I was afraid of jumping and running with everything that I had because I was scarred that my body wouldn\'t be able to handle it.

Thanks Jaya... I really don\'t know how I would have gotten past that without you." Jason chuckled before giving a slightly stronger slap on the back.

"You would have been just fine bro. You have to start giving yourself more credit Kyle. Sure I was the one who initially dragged you into playing basketball.

But by this point all the credit for your achievements and accolades are because of the hard work that you put in and the talent that you have."

Kyle nodded his head before smiling at Jason "Thanks Jaya." Jason just laughed again "There you go saying thanks again. Let\'s just get some shots up and get ready for this game."

Jason went back out to the top of the perimeter to practice his dribbling and his three point shooting.

He then began to make his way inside as he got multiple shots in from different ranges and with different moves.

After about ten minutes of warming up Monty looked over to Jason and his team\'s direction and shouted out.

"Yo Jason. You and your squad ready yet?!" Jason looked over to the other guys who then nodded their heads.

Jason turned his head back to Monty and yelled out "Yeah we\'re done warming up. But you mind giving us a few minutes to talk before we start playing?"

Monty put his hands up before laughing in a slightly condescending tone "Ay man y\'all take all the time you need haha."

Jason had the guys huddle together "This is our first time playing together so I won\'t expect our teamwork to be perfect.

But we are some of the best players that California has to offer so we absolutely can\'t afford to wet the bed today.

I don\'t care if this is just a friendly game at the gym. We\'re reppin Cali today boys and I\'ll be damned if I let some Texas cowboys get bragging rights over us.

But that\'s just me. How bout y\'all?" Everyone looked at Jason with a determined look on their faces. Jason laughed.

"Good to see that we\'re all on the same page here. I\'ll try to keep things short and sweet alright?" Jason then began to go over a simple offensive game plan.

What Jason was suggesting was that they use a simplified version of the triangle offense. 3D would take the Center spot and play the role of the strong side low post player.

Jason would run the point and move to the strong side corner after passing the ball to Danilo who would be playing the Small Forward position while also filling out the strong side Wing player role.

Kyle would have to play slightly out of position and take the Power Forward position and Alex would have to move over one spot to the Shooting Guard position while the both of them would be operating on the weak side of the court.

As Jason quickly went over the different plays and the different ways that they could play out and develop he looked at Kyle and the rest of the guys.

"What do you guys think? You following along so far?" Kyle and Alex both nodded their heads in response but Danilo and 3D both looked like they had something that they wanted to say.

Jason nodded his head at Danilo "You look like you got something to say." Danilo hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Do we have to run the Triangle? Can\'t we do something that\'s a little more pick and role heavy?" Jason answered.

"We can mix in some pick and role plays during the game but I don\'t want to use that as the focus of our offense.

It would take away from one of our greatest strengths. With the type of presence that 3D has in the paint I want him posting up more.

Even if he doesn\'t get a good look or produce a basket out of it he can pull the other defenders in towards him.

Don\'t get me wrong 3D has a really good mid range shot so he can space out the floor a little bit with his pick and pop and pick and role potential.

But if we just do pick and roll plays 3D is going to get gassed with all the nonstop running. This is a pick up game you have to remember that.

The pace is going to be a lot faster than an actual official game." Danilo thought about it for a second before relenting.

"Alright Jaya. If that\'s what you think then we can give it a try." Jason nodded his head before turning to 3D.

"How about you? You look like there\'s something on your mind." 3D said "I\'m down for the game plan.

I was just wondering if we could operate on the right side. I like posting up on the right block more than the left and I\'m more effective that way too."

Before Jason could answer that Danilo shouted out "Hell no! Keep it to the left side. I\'m used to doing most of my moves and attacking from the left.

Why the hell should we switch things up just for you?" 3D looked at Danilo with a chilly gaze "The fuck did you say small fry?

You should just keep your mouth shut and count yourself lucky that there wasn\'t some random kid in here because otherwise we would just swap him out for you.

The only reason I came down here was to play with Jaya and Kyle. You can go back to bed for all I care." Danilo rushed forward and grabbed 3D by the collar of his shirt.

"I let your shit slide at the airport because of the police. But you must be letting that shit get to your head cause now you really talking crazy."

3D\'s gaze got even colder as he reached out and grabbed the collar of Danilo\'s shirt. The size of 3D was on full display as he managed to pull the shirt tight with just one of his hands.

"You want to get into it right here short shit? There ain\'t no cameras here so you better think this through before you end up getting tossed through a wall."

Kyle and Alex were watching nervously from the side. They knew that even if they tried to stop those two there wasn\'t much that they would be able to do.

Forget 3D and his insane frame and strength. Danilo himself was just one step below Trell when it came to muscle and athleticism. 

Just when it looked like things were about to go bad a small figure walked to the side of the two of them and put his petite looking hands over theirs.

Jason was standing right next to them and he had his hands on 3D\'s and Danilo\'s "You guys need to stop it with this pissing contest bullshit.

You want to prove that you\'re big and bad? Well do that shit on the court and against the other team you dumb fucks.

Even if this is just a pick up game we\'re supposed to be a team. But here you guys are about to go at each others\' throats before the game can even start.

Aren\'t you guys embarrassed?" 3D and Danilo both looked down at Jason. Even though his facial expression was the same deadpan look that he had most of the time for some reason they could feel an intense anger and frustration in his eyes.

They both gulped before releasing their grips on each other\'s shirts. Jason nodded his head after seeing that.

"Good. Now get ready, stop fighting, and play some basketball. For god\'s sake you guys act like its so hard to get along."

And so they all began to walk to the center of the court as they got ready for the game to begin. Jason couldn\'t help but sigh as he thought to himself.

\'I thought things would be easy as long as you had talented teammates. I guess I was wrong. I just hope I can keep these guys from throwing hands at each other during the game.\'

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