The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 521 - Killing the Vicious Dragon

Chapter 521 Killing the Vicious Dragon

“No...” cried Molan, whose heart was filled with grievance and regret.

She couldn’t understand how a human being could be so strong.

The strength Li Mu had demonstrated already surpassed the normal range of human strength.

In order to win today’s battle, Molan had made painstaking preparations. She even gritted her teeth and gave up some benefits to instigate the official forces of various large countries to intervene in this matter. Hence, the top experts from the entire world had all gathered in this city in the desert, joining forces to besiege Li Mu.

And the siege was in accordance with the interests of the countries. After all, no one would allow a country like China to break the balance just because an absolute supramundane expert suddenly emerged in that country.

However, no matter how much preparation she had, it was not enough.

Far from enough.

From the beginning to the end, the Eastern God of Massacre was calm and unhurried. He simply gave them a crushing defeat. The joint hunting conducted by experts from various forces was more of a suicidal act. They had all put their heads under the blade of death, just like moths flying into the flame.

This was no longer a battle.

It was an ill-matched massacre.

In the face of absolute power, all preparations and plots seemed laughable and pitiful.

As the broadsword light danced in the air and the experts were killed one by one without being able to put up any resistance, the confidence and fighting spirit of Molan, the Desert Black Orchid, were finally completely undermined.

She looked horrified. Her legs went weak, and she could not help but begin to retreat.

Yet, the overwhelming jets of broadsword light were dancing in the air like silver streamers, tearing through the sky and rushing toward her.

“No! Don’t kill me...” Molan was alarmed. The ancient armor on her body had already been broken, so it could hardly take another blow for her. The broadsword light looked like beautiful fluttering willow catkins but actually contained great killing intent. Molan knew very well that nobody could fend off this broadsword light, not even her.

“Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!”

A jet of broadsword light shot past, thoroughly ripping up the ancient armor Molan was wearing.

The armor was a Taoist instrument, which was absolutely a precious treasure on Earth. Even so, Li Mu did not feel sorry for destroying it.

He reached out his hand, and an irresistible force surged out. It directly yanked Molan, who was tens of meters away, over from the air, like an eagle grabbing a chicken.

“It’s really a bargain for you that I let you die under my blades. The sin of plotting against China and assassinating our Chinese cultivators in the Qinling Heaven is unforgivable... Is this a live broadcast all over the world? Good. Let the people around the globe see the end of believing in cults and becoming a terrorist!”

As his spiritual force flooded into Molan, Li Mu read the information he wanted in an instant.

A ball of flame spread out from within Molan’s body.

“Ah ah ah...” She screamed like a pig being slaughtered and pleaded, “No, don’t kill me! I am still a virgin! I am the most beautiful woman in the Middle East. Let me go! I can serve you, be your most loyal servant, and answer to all your demands. Please, don’t kill me...”

That delicate face had screwed up. The terrible pain within her body, which was as though it was burning her soul, caused her to be unable to stifle her wailing.

“It seems that your faith in the True God is also cheap and poor. What a humble spiritual belief! Humph!” Li Mu said disdainfully, “As for your body... it’s too dirty. You’re just a beautiful skeleton.”

As his voice faded, the flame completely devoured Molan and incinerated the so-called most beautiful woman in the Middle East.

The worldwide netizens all captured this scene through the live broadcast.

“What a brutal move to destroy such a beauty!”

“It’s really a pity to kill such a beautiful woman.”

“The Eastern God of Massacre is not tempted by the pleading of such a beautiful woman. Is he into men?”

“How could he bring himself to do it?”

“Look, what’s that... Oh, my god, is that a human’s soul?”

Someone exclaimed.

Because everyone saw that after Molan’s perfect hot body was swallowed by the flame, it was not over yet. A faint phantom emerged from the burning body, which was vague, but it was exactly the image of Molan, the Desert Black Orchid. Her face was full of horror, and her lips were moving, as though she was asking for Li Mu’s forgiveness.

“Is that the soul coming out after the body died?”

“Do souls really exist?”

Many people were left open-mouthed.

There had been stories about the soul, the reincarnation, and so on since ancient times. However, no one in the world who had really witnessed the existence of the soul before. It seemed to be an issue that could not be verified. But now, everyone had seen the virtual shadow of Molan that was suspected to be Molan’s soul.

“The whole world will hear your soul’s wailing. Death is not the end. And it can’t clear your sin.”

Li Mu’s voice sounded like the verdict of Death.

He cast a Taoist magic art, conjuring Taoist patterns in the void. Flames flickered, imprisoning Molan’s soul in the sky 100 meters about the ground. He roasted her soul with a raging fire. Molan’s soul howled for a long time, which echoed in the sky over the entire Baghdad. All the netizens could see the painful struggle of the female leader of the terrorists.

Countless people gasped in trepidation.

“Even her soul has to be tortured?”

“It means that anyone who provoked this Eastern God of Massacre will not be able to escape his torture even after death!”

“This is the real feeling of being so desperate as to beg for a neat death!”

“Once falling into the hands of the Eastern God of Massacre, it would be too terrible.”

“Still not coming out? Your followers are almost all dead.”

Li Mu shouted out loud.

“I know you are here. You won’t have a getaway today.”

Without hesitation, Li Mu activated the deployment arranged on the outskirts of Baghdad before. The giant and mysterious symbols began to circle around in the void outside the city like projections. The symbol released a mysterious power and formed a huge ochre hemispherical film of light that covered the entire Baghdad like an inverted cup.

“He can’t be human at all!”

“A single person locked up a city?”

“Now I really can’t help shedding tears for these terrorist groups. Isn’t it good to live? But they just have to upset the Easter God of Massacre.”

“No recklessness, no death penalty.”

After seeing this scene through the live broadcast, the netizens had begun to get used to the situation and started to ridicule it. Their nerves had become tougher after watching the previous scenes. Their moods were becoming steadier. Now they felt that no matter what Li Mu had done, even if he pinched the moon into pieces, it would not be surprising.

“You’re not coming out, are you?”

Li Mu raised his left hand. The flying broadswords in the sky, like swallows returning to their nest, immediately gathered in his palm and merged into a huge long broadsword.

“Then I’ll dig you out.”

He hacked at the air.


The earth trembled, and the large training camp which covered an area of hundreds of acres was cleaved into two pieces in an instant. The ground was directly cracked open, and the surface of the floor flipped like foam boards. The underground fortifications of the terrorist organization of the True God Sect were revealed under the attack of the broadsword. It was just like digging up the nest of ants.

Some people screamed in the cracks on the ground and collapsed in panic in the fortifications.

They were all inhumane terrorists, so Li Mu had no mercy for them.

“Why do you insist to kill us all?”

A voice came from the depths of the earth.

It was the voice of that evil cultivator.

“To Kill the evil and defend the Taoism.” Li Mu clutched the long broadsword and said, “If you don’t die, peace will never descend on Earth.”

The long broadsword rose again and chopped at the source of that voice.

The whole Baghdad was shaking.

The earth split open.

A jet of black light burst out from the ground and materialized into a colossal sinister black dragon that was thousands of meters long. Its horrifying size and the sweeping black flames it breathed made all the words to describe monsters on Earth fail to depict the scene. Even the legendary Godzilla looked like a child’s toy in front of this black dragon.

“Li Mu, you shouldn’t have forced me to come out of my training early.”

The voice of the evil cultivator came out from the Black Dragon’s huge mouth.

He opened his mouth and spat out a black tornado that swept towards Li Mu. With a swing of the dragon tail, it hit the ground and incurred an earthquake. A quarter of Baghdad was directly reduced to ruins.

“Good heavens, what did I just see...”

“The Doomsday Monster?”

“There is such a monster hiding under Baghdad?”

“Damn it, why did the screen go black... is the network cut off?”

“How could it disfunction at such a crucial moment!”

“Easter God of Massacre has met his match... Eh? Why is there no signal?”

Shocked, the netizens all over the world suddenly realized that the signal transmission of the video had vanished and the screen had gone black. What happened after the black dragon, which looked like a giant Doomsday Monster, appeared in Baghdad, they could no longer see.

This made many people go crazy.

They switched the signal channels frantically, but it was no help.

In addition to the common netizens, the major countries and organizations that had paid attention to the situation in Baghdad also got anxious at this moment. The black dragon that appeared at the last moment was really frightening. It was hard to imagine that such a creature did exist on Earth. They wished that the creature and the Eastern God of Massacre could both suffer in the battle and perish together.

“What’s the matter?”

In the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Lu Xun, Xiao Dong, Lu Yan’er, and some other young Chinese cultivators were sitting in front of the screen, watching the broadcast with enthusiasm. While they were whooping and rooting for Li Mu, all of a sudden, the screen went black, making them quite agitated.

“Seems that the video transmitter placed on Baghdad’s ground has been broken.”

“The signal has gone.”

“Isn’t this a satellite live broadcast?”

“Even the satellite live broadcast needs the ground transmitting equipment.”

The young people were on edge as if the last episode of the TV drama they were watching suddenly ended at the climax.

Anyway, they had to wait.

They had already returned to the accommodation of the Martial Arts Gym in the desert in Jiuquan.

They also inquired some high-level military officials about it at once, but there was still no signal coming in.

All the information channels in the military started functioning, but there was no definite feedback for the time being.

The news was cut off.

China was waiting.

The entire world was waiting.

Numerous people harboring different goals and motivations were waiting to know what the result of the fight between the man and the dragon in that city would be.

It was unquestionably a battle that would affect the power structure of the world.

However, in the blink of an eye, 3 days and nights have passed.

The signal had not been recovered yet.

In Baghdad.

Three days later.

The gigantic body of the black dragon lay quietly in the city, without any liveness, as though a black mountain range that was thousands of meters long.

Li Mu was sitting cross-legged on the head of the black dragon, adjusting his breath.

It transpired that this evil cultivator was a wicked dragon from outer space. He was forced to assume his original appearance. Even with Li Mu’s strength, it took him three days and nights to vanquish the dragon and finally kill it. After the battle, Li Mu’s natural qi was almost depleted. And the evil dragon’s genuine energy also injured Li Mu a bit with an unexpected counterattack.

Despite that, Li Mu still discovered a lot of secrets about the blessed Heavens from this vicious black dragon.

Though this ‘delivered package’ was hard to open, it was definitely worth it.

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