
Chapter 38

Lucia walked into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around her damp hair. When Hugo was gone, the maids would wait on her till she was dressed but as soon as he returned, they only followed her to the bedroom door before taking to their heels.

She sat on her dressing table, pressing the soft towel around her hair in an attempt to dry it.

She’d left drying her hair in someone else’s hand for over a month so she was a bit slow doing it herself. Still, she couldn’t compare to the meticulous drying of several maids attending to her hair.

She acknowledge Hugo as he walked into the room then returned her gaze back to the dressing table. He headed straight towards her and embraced her from behind. Surprised, Lucia let go of the towel causing it to fall to the ground.

“Hugh! I have to dry my hair more.”

If I sleep like this, my hair will be a lion’s mane tomorrow!

“Do it later.”

“It’s not something I can do later!”

No matter what she said, he lifted her up, moved straight to the bed, placed her down on it then kissed her still complaining lips.

Like biting into a fruit, he softly bit her lower lips and swiftly inserted his tongue into her mouth. He held her flouncing wrists down on the bed and pushed his tongue deeper into her mouth.

She still didn’t know that her rebellious reactions tended to incited him more. He licked her soft lips with his tongue, enjoying the enticing taste.

He re-inserted his tongue into her mouth and the feeling of her soft and tender tongue surprised him, causing him to flinch. Perhaps because she had just taken a bath, the insides of her mouth were feverish.

When he thought of her inner thighs being as hot as this, his lower abdomen began to throb. He gently pressed his excited lower regions onto the section between her thighs.

He sloppily removed the bathrobe wrapped around her lower body, the mere thought of her tight entrance making blood rush to his lower regions. Perhaps she felt his excitement as her fidgeting began to settle down.

He let go of her wrists he’d been holding onto and she wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him. His tongue rummaged throughout her mouth, sometimes strongly, sometimes softly. Her fleeing tongue was easily overwhelmed by him.

As he teased the insides of her mouth and kissed her deeply, Lucia couldn’t focus and fell into a trance. His hot member pressing on her delicate part as though they would instantly unite made her feel somewhat anxious and excited her more.

The moment he entangled her hot tongue and sucked on it strongly, Lucia felt her insides throb and unconsciously lifted her waist.

Her movements rubbed against his penis that was pressed against her inner thighs. He released her lips and a low moan escaped from his mouth.

With the long swooning kiss over, Lucia stared at him trying to catch her breath.

“So I’ve thought about it.”

His voice was seemingly calming down and his eyes lit up as he saw her red lips, swollen from their kiss.

“And I think the reason you tire out so fast is because I do it all at once so let’s change that. We’ll do it once, rest a little, do it again, rest, then do it again, just like that. What do you think?”

Red-faced, Lucia gathered her breath before giving him a frown.

“Please don’t think about things like that.”

“Things like that? This is important.”

He kissed her swollen lips lightly.

“Okay then, we’re trying a new way today.”

As his gaze was like that of a predator before it leaps on its prey, Lucia swallowed nervously.

“I haven’t agreed to this...”

“Umm...then today is the trial version.”

“How is that different!”

He acted like he didn’t hear her and grabbed the front of her robe, spreading it apart. He enjoyed her body with his eyes for a moment then grabbed her bountiful breast with both hands.

He grabbed it a bit strongly causing her to flinch. He lowered his head and began licking from her navel, making his way down her body.

It was the beginning of a long and intensive night.

Her legs hung on his shoulders and her butt was raised as he penetrated deep inside of her, stimulating her. She held onto his arms to support her body and every time his penis entered her, she shut her eyes tightly and bit her lips.

Every once in a while as he thrust into her, a strong tingling feeling assaulted her from the insides and her body shivered with hypnotic pleasure.

He noticed a frown on her face and clenched his teeth. Her tight inner walls swallowed him up completely and spasmed, exciting him and he barely managed suppress his desire to ravage her insides.

“Is it difficult?”

Lucia nodded her head. It was a position that was difficult to maintain for a long time. His deep penetrations that reached deep enough to hit her womb was too stimulating for her however for him, he was in a good position.

The feeling of her vagina tightening all the way inside gave him a sense of ecstasy. He grabbed her ankle and lowered it to the side then in that position slid inside of her thighs, plunging into her vagina.

He moved his waist in a controlled rhythm, at time swiftly and at times slowly.


Her body lay slightly to the side as she moaned in pleasure. The rims of her eyes grew red as he excited her with the right amount of stimulation.

She responded weakly to weak stimulations and strongly to strong stimulations. She liked gentle sex with moderate stimulation while he liked wild sex with intense stimulation. He also liked to somewhat torment her in bed till she cried.

Inwardly, she grumbled that he liked to torment her and was too much but she didn’t know. She didn’t know how much he considered her and controlled his desire and greed for her as much as he could.

If he were to ravage her as he pleased, she wouldn’t be able to get up for a days and her body would suffer. In an effort to embrace her every day, he was carefully tempering himself.

It was also one of his endeavors towards keeping the doctor’s ‘once-every-five-days’ advice.


Her body trembled intensely and her insides clenched. With the continuous stimulation, her pleasures peaked and she reached a pleasant orgasm.

He stayed still, keeping his hot member buried inside her contracting vaginal walls till they relaxed.

After a while, he rolled her body, turning her to lie on her belly. As she leaned downwards, he placed some of his weight on her body then swiftly and intensely plunged into her.


As though following a tempo, he continuously thrust in heavily and pulled out slowly. She let out a brief scream and each time he thrust into her, she gripped the bedsheets tightly.


The feeling of his weight pressing down on her also gave her pleasure. She could vividly feel his movements with her butt as he thrust into her vagina.

It didn’t hurt but she couldn’t stop herself from screaming. Sometimes, she felt as though his tenderness was rather rough. It made her feel like a helpless wild animal shaking its neck but at the same time, the feeling of his intense and eager desire for her was electrifying.

Lucia placed her hand on his head, her fingers grabbing his hair. She felt his slightly damp hair brushing against her fingers and enjoyed the pleasure it gave. (1)

He kissed her neck, slowly making his way upwards then he pulled her arms causing her to lean on him then lightly kissed her eyes and lips several times.

“...about Damian.”

Hugo grabbed her thighs and drew her closer to his waist. Once he pulled out, her insides were like inertia, her vaginal walls narrowed and returned back to how it was at the beginning.

He had to constantly make new paths in her tightly packed vagina. Her dense and throbbing inner walls never ceased to excite him.

“When I saw him...I surprised. He much like you...Uk...”

He pushed his waist forward, slamming into her with one big thrust and in response, Lucia shut her eyes. Within seconds, he began to move, slowly increasing the intensity of his thrusts.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and her body swayed in accordance with his movements.


Lucia paused to gather her breath before continuing.

“I was...a little excite-hk.”

Hugo fiercely thrust in and out of her and she clung to him, her nails digging into her shoulders.

He took her lips into his mouth then pushed his tongue into her mouth, rummaging inside and exciting her. He ended the kiss shortly and covered her neckline with kisses, trailing down to her shoulders.

“ saw the boy and felt excited? ...why?”

“It...felt like I was seeing you.”

“The kid will look like me for quite some time.”

“Quite some time? I think he’ll still resemble you in 10 years...Ah!”

The conversation could no longer continue. His movements intensified and Lucia could do nothing but scream coquettishly.

Translator’s Corner:

1) I know no one reads too deeply into smut but here she didn’t rotate her hand 360° to touch his head. In the raws, there’s a space before this paragraph signifying scenery change (well rather than scenery change, it’s more like ‘some time later’)

*If you guys ever see any mistakes, do tell me. I go over them and edit but some things still slip past me.

TN: Been gaming all day and I may have just taken some’s 11p.m. T^T (Lost track of time ahahaha). Oh and this is NSFW

Hugo placed the pillow behind him to support his back and leaned halfway on the pillow. Lucia sat on his thighs, her upper body sprawled across his abdomen and chest.

Her head leaned on his chest, her arms and legs hung apart and to the side while his hand slowly moved up and down her back as though comforting her.

The fervent passion had dissipated to some extent but the lingering passion was just as before. Above all, his erect member was still fully buried inside her body.

His huge rod stirred a bit inside of her, as though reminding her of its presence. Lucia felt slightly nervous as she didn’t know when he would resume moving inside her.

She didn’t find the new way he tried particularly likeable. Although she could rest, she couldn’t sleep and they’d vigorously gone at it all night.

“Why did you send Damian to boarding school?”

Young noble children were usually taught by a private tutor. These days, it was trendy to send children to an academy but that was usually to gain experience when they were around 15 years old and for about three to four years.

Rather than for studying, the purpose was for noble children to build a network while interacting with several other noble children. There wasn’t a case where one with a status such as successor to a duke completed a boarding school course.

They were usually not allowed as courses were taken by second sons who weren’t successors and wished to select a course purely for studying purpose.

“Because I couldn’t take care of him.”

When Philip brought Damian, Hugo was focused on the war which was at its peak. At most, he could only stop by Roam a few times a year.

He had been slightly fascinated at how fast the boy grew every time he saw him but to him, the boy was like a pet.

To the Hugo who had no intention of becoming a father, the child that had appeared all of sudden held no special meaning for him however, he had instinctively known that the child needed a safe home.

It was very possible that if there was no Damian, Hugo would have abandoned the Taran family or trampled it to pieces.

It was only after quite some time had passed that it occurred to Hugo that perhaps Philip had brought Damian to him because he’d realized his thoughts towards the Taran family.

It was also around this time that the war was beginning to slow down, Damian had turned five years old and Hugo had more room and time for his thoughts.

With time to think, he considered the situation on the warfront and concluded that the war didn’t seem to be expanding any further. He was a perfect match for war and the thought of going back to the north and dealing with boring paperwork was loathsome.

Why do I have to? He’d questioned himself.

It wasn’t any of his concern what happened to the likes of the Taran family but he liked the northern land. He didn’t want to leave the wild and coarse land and it was general knowledge that the Taran family had to be doing well for the north to be prosperous.

He ended up reaching the conclusion that all he had to do was find a useful person to hand over the family to and so he appointed Damian as his successor. He didn’t intend to have another child and figured that if he took Damian, who was already known as his son, as his successor then there wouldn’t be much backlash.

Later, he realized he’d thought too simple of it. The northern nobles and of course, his vassals, did not like it.

They questioned why the boy was recognized as successor and said that there was no precedent but in response Hugo laughed scornfully at them.

No precedent? Then he would do it and become the precedent. Hugo didn’t care what the nobles were grumbling about but he kept thinking of the darkness he’d seen in the boy’s eyes when they’d met after a long while.

Placing the boy under the public eye seemed to be harming his mind so Hugo figured that since he couldn’t embrace the boy properly and raise him then it would be better for the boy to be educated in a place with no prejudice.

And so, Hugo sent the boy to boarding school where no one’s eyes or hands could reach him.

‘You don’t hate the child, do you?’ (Lucia)

Lucia held back what she wanted to ask. It would be too much to question to that extent. She still didn’t know exactly how he felt towards Damian and making a judgement in advance was more likely to make his feelings towards the child worsen.

“Then...since I can take care of him now, can’t he keep staying in Roam?”

He reached out and grabbed her butt firmly with both hand causing Lucia to reflexively lift her head.

“I promised the boy.”

Hugo lowered his head, placing his teeth on her neck and biting down causing her slender body to flinch. He licked her neck, his tongue sweeping over the light bite mark on her neck.

“I told him, when he graduates in the future, I will hand over my position. If I tell him not to go to boarding school anymore, he would think I am pushing him out of the seat for succession.”

He lifted his head, meeting her gaze.

“Do you think his staying here would benefit him?”

“...No, I didn’t think it through.”

A crescent line formed across his lips. He thrust his head forwards, placing his face very close to hers.

“Although it’s nice and cute.” (Hugo)

His lips touched hers briefly and he moved away.

“Don’t go too far.”

Lucia interpreted his words as telling her to not get in involved in his child’s affairs. Hugo’s meaning in asking her to get along with the child but limiting her some was that he did not want the child to come between their relationship.

Unfortunately, the misunderstanding that had risen through their conversation could not be solved now.

He captured her lips in his mouth then held her butt and thighs firmly with both of his hands and repeatedly lifted her up and down. Her smooth waist curved and her head fell backwards.

Her hand moved backwards, grabbing onto his legs for support and her body shook with his intense movements.

“Ung...ah! Hugh!”

He grabbed her shoulders, pulling her forward as he hurriedly pounded into her several times, the motion bringing his lips to hover around her ears and his rough whisper floated into her ears.


The way he said her name sent tingles up her spine. She didn’t know since when but when he called her Vivian it no longer felt awkward. Rather whenever he called her...


She felt like she’d discovered a new side to herself. As her insides throbbed and squeezed, he suppressed a moan and quickly flipped her to lie down horizontally on the bed.

He immediately re-capturing her lips and at the same time, repeatedly plunged in and out of her deep fleshy insides. While holding onto his arms, Lucia’s body trembled with the tingles of pleasure.

She could vividly feel his full length inside her body and instinctively widened her legs and lifted her butt to accept him deeper.

Hugo ended the breathless kiss, lifted his head and began to concentrate more on the movement of his waist.

He moved slowly at first then abruptly increased his speed, heavily thrusting in and out continuously.

A coquettish cry escaped from her mouth in response to the vigorous movements in her lower body and she watched his solid chest move as he devoured her.

His ripped muscles and tiny nipples moved as he thrust into her, enticing her to touching them. When his movements slowed down a little, she stroked his chest with her hand, feeling the movement of his muscles.

She lifted her head, lightly licking his chest and his body instantly jerked in response. She once again stuck her tongue out, this time licking around his nipple for a while.

Hugo swallowed back his curses and fiercely re-captured her lips. As he wildly drove his member into her, her body shook back and forth and her screams were blocked by his lips covering hers.

Her sight repeatedly brightened and blurred and she felt like a firework had exploded in front of her. She wasn’t even sure herself whether she was closing or opening her eyes.

Tears flowed down from her eyes and Hugo lowered his head to lick them up. The scalding heat that filled up her head and the passion that felt like it would burn her to ashes was exhausting but it also felt good and Lucia clung to him.

Translator Corner:

*My chest is actually hurting right now from laughing too hard while translating this...?

*Not cuz it was funny....nvm I’ll go to my corner now.

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