Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 50 5: Stealing Dragon Swapping Phoenix

Kou Zhong was well aware that based on You Chuhong’s power and skill, there was no possibility of throwing her off over such a short distance, hastily he grabbed three arrows from the quiver hanging on the horse’s belly, and then using the listening-to-the-wind-to-distinguish-the-sound skill, he threw the arrows backhandedly toward You Chuhong. He did not dare to fully use all his strength; he did not dare to use spiraling true power even more. Naturally the formidable power was greatly reduced; he was only hoping to be able to block her strike from the air.

You Chuhong roared, “How dare you!”

One sleeve brushed off, the three arrows, like dead leaves being swept by a gale, were rolled by the sleeve and fell to the ground. Her Jasper Staff was still flying like wildly rushing horse to stab Xu Ziling’s back.

Kou Zhong was about to leave the horseback to help, but suddenly the warning alarm went off in his heart; hastily he slipped down the horseback and stuck himself to the belly of the horse; purely relying on his shenfa he evaded a flying dagger, which Dugu Feng shot to him in a sneak attack. Her skill in releasing secret projectile was extraordinarily ingenious; it did not produce the least bit of noise.

Upon self-inspection, Xu Ziling realized that he did not have the ability to lead the horse to speed along while also dealing with a brilliant martial art master like You Chuhong’s all-out attack. His heart was moved, he let go the reins, his leg flew out, he kicked the horse carrying the box. The Long-Life Qi burst into the horse’s body, using the ‘man-and-horse-as-one’ guiding technique. As a result, the horse carrying the box met the foot and let out a long neigh, while power was coming out of its four legs simultaneously; it rushed forward, passing Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling on its left and right, respectively, galloping wildly toward the dark, infinite depth of the grassland.

Xu Ziling flipped over to the side, he hid under the belly of the horse and barely missed You Chuhong’s jasper staff; it was from under the belly of the horse that he urged the horse to run faster, and thus he strived to pull the distance with You Chuhong farther.

You Chuhong’s mouthful of qi already exhausted, she had to tap the ground with her toes before she could pursue again.

Relying on their horsemanship, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling urged their horses with all their strength to run after the horse carrying the box, which was nearly twenty zhang ahead of them.

Behind them, You Chuhong and Dugu Feng were unwilling to let go, they pursued relentlessly. The former put her exceptional shenfa in full display, unexpectedly, the more she pursued, the closer she got. On the contrary, Dugu Feng urging her horse was falling behind.

Suddenly from some distance ahead two riders were rushing over, one of them shouted, “Thieves, where do you think you are going?”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling recognized Li Jing’s voice. They looked over, and sure enough, the newcomers were Li Jing and Hong Fu Nu; inwardly they were greatly delighted, but outwardly they pretended to be shocked. Abandoning Shen Luoyan, they changed direction and escaped to the wilderness.

With Li Jing and Hong Fu Nu taking possession of the horse carrying the box, even if You Chuhong and Dugu Feng had guts as high as the sky, they would not dare to openly harm Shen Luoyan; furthermore, it would be difficult to put the blame on Shen Luoyan.

The two boys returned to Chang’an via the Duke Yang’s Treasure’s tunnel, and went back to the Passionate Nest. It was still two sichen before daybreak.

Hou Xibai, who had been waiting anxiously, was greatly delighted, “Is everything all right?” he asked.

Kou Zhong sat down cheerfully. Stretching out his limbs, he laughed and replied, “Everything’s all right, but it was dangerous to the extreme point; we relied entirely on Laotianye’s help, Shen Meiren’s life is not going to end.”

The two boys had hidden in the dark. They saw clearly that You Chuhong and Dugu Feng did not have the evil grow to the edge of their guts* to offend Li Jing and Hong Fu Nu; they saw Li Jing, husband and wife opened the box and rescued Shen Luoyan before they left, hence they were able to say that with peace of mind. [*Note: according to Baike.Baidu.com: the full proverb is 怒从心头起、恶向胆边生,睁开眉下眼,咬碎口中牙 ‘anger rises from the heart, evil grows at the edge of the guts, open the eyes under the eyebrows, bite and crush the teeth in the mouth’, meaning ‘if you are so angry, you will be bold enough to do anything’.]

Xu Ziling sat down on Hou Xibai’s other side; he asked, “You are not going to Shang Lin Yuan?”

Hou Xibai sighed and said, “You guys are going through fire and water, how could I have the interest to play around? Ay! With luxury foodstuff from distant land, once in a while I ought to have green tea and plain rice.”

“Did your Shi Shi come?” Kou Zhong asked.

Hou Xibai nodded dejectedly and said, “I put the reproduction on the table, and then I waited respectfully for him, the Senior’s Dharma-self. Shi Shi indeed came on time, he even cordially asked about my recent developments, about the situation of my training. You guys won’t believe it, but he unexpectedly gave me pointers in martial art aspect, he gave me his analysis on why in just a few face-to-face encounters in the secret tunnel he was able to capture me. He made me confused.”

Hearing that, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong looked at each other; what exactly was going on with Shi Zhixuan?

Hou Xibai revealed a reminiscing look; casting his gaze toward the beam of the small hall, he spoke slowly, “Am I being very silly? Unexpectedly I could not help asking him whether he was going to kill me? How do you think he answered me? Unexpectedly he shook his head and blurted out laughing. He said, ‘Not only you are my, Shi Zhixuan’s good disciple, you carry forward the hope of Hua Jian Pai even more, plus you can’t possibly hinder my great undertaking of unifying the world, why would Shifu want to put you to death? No one knows you better than Shifu.’ Finished saying that, his eyes revealed a very strange expression, like he was very tired, also like his heart was full of sorrow.”

Stunned, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong looked at each other.

Hou Xibai continued, “He went on to say that the xinfa of Hua Jian Pai is precisely walking under the leading of the character. In the past he disregarded everybody in the holy school’s opposition and fell in love to Bi Xiuxin, it was precisely due to Hua Jian Pai’s xinfa’s influence. And to this day he still does not regret the decision he made at that time; his only regret was that he caused the death of the one he loved. Therefore, he does not want me to step on his trailing durst, to make me follow the tracks of a cart that overturned [fig. a path that led to failure] that he made in the past. Ay! He also asked me whether I have a person in my thoughts [i.e. sweetheart]?”

Xu Ziling looked pensive, but Kou Zhong was highly excited, “How did you answer him?” he asked.

Shrugging his shoulders, Hou Xibai replied, “I told him that all the good women in the world, none is not my sweetheart, and that I will only express my adoration to them by making portraits of them, to bring the most beautiful side of them alive on the paintings via my brush. After hearing that, not only Shi Shi was pleased, he even praised me that in term of Hua Jian Pai’s xinfa, I am the green that came out of blue. I seized that opportunity to ask him, ay! I shouldn’t have asked him about this aspect.”

“Asked him about what aspect?” Xu Ziling asked heavily.

Hou Xibai replied, “I asked him why he didn’t stand aloof from the secular world’s struggle, hatred and killing, to whistle proudly on the mountain forest, in total clarity, clean and free.”

Kou Zhong’s spirit was aroused, he asked, “How did he answer you?”

Smiling wryly, Hou Xibai replied, “That’s why I said I shouldn’t have asked. Shi Shi let out a cold snort, he casually picked up the scroll of fake painting, his pair of eyes emitted ice-cold, ruthless terrifying divine light, and then he left just like that!”

Listening to him, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were dumbstruck and unable to reply.

It was quite a while later that Kou Zhong said, “Your Shi Shi’s conduct, even if we think until we crack our brains, we won’t be able to figure out a clue. Our proper business is important, quickly take the fake painting out.”

Hou Xibai was startled and delighted at the same time; he asked, “There is only a sichen or so before daybreak, do we have enough time?”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “This is a once-in-a-thousand-year golden opportunity, Li Yuan deployed most of the internal imperial guards to deal with Li Mi. Wei Gonggong, You Chuhong and Dugu Feng are all not in the Palace, therefore, Li Yuan must have concentrated the remaining personnel to protect his own bedroom palace and the imperial concubines’ palace and garden. I am sure the tribute hall’s guard is relaxed. We select the most unexpected moment to enter the palace to steal the dragon and swapping the phoenix, I guarantee it will succeed. Why haven’t you fetched the counterfeit article? Do you think we have a lot of time?”

Xu Ziling, alone, sneaked back to the Situ Mansion; taking advantage of the time when the large mansion was completely deserted, in the hazy light of the dawn, there was some kind of unspeakable the-people-are-gone-and-the-place-is-empty bleak and desolate feeling, he recalled the experience sneaking into the Tang Palace just now. He could not help sharing Hou Xibai’s as-if-drunk-and-stupefied ecstasy and delight in obtaining the real article.

The painting in Li Yuan’s hands was a stolen article, it served him right to lose it. Besides, he would probably never know that the one in his hands was a reproduction. Xu Ziling had never thought that just because he was the emperor of the Great Tang, he had a special right of ownership.

This time the three went through an easy drive on a familiar path, and plus just like Kou Zhong’s expected, the imperial guards were concentrated on the private chamber palaces where the emperor and the imperial concubines dwelled, they came via the secret tunnel, they left from the secret tunnel, utilizing the tribute hall’s skylight to slip inside and steal the treasure, the gods did not know the ghosts did not perceive, they accomplished the mission.

Wanwan’s voice entered his ears, “I am in your bedroom!”

Xu Ziling put down his hand from pushing on Kou Zhong’s door, a strange feeling welled up in his heart, he moved to the adjacent room, pushed the door and went in.

Wanwan was sitting quietly in a corner, her beautiful eyes looked deep into his.

Xu Ziling sat down by her side and said, “We decided to make our move tonight.”

Wanwan revealed a ‘I already know that’ look, she spoke indifferently, “Why isn’t Kou Zhong be with you?”

Xu Ziling replied, “He rushes about in preparation for tonight’s operation.”

Wanwan said in astonishment, “What is there to prepare? I wonder if until this moment you still conceal something from me? I might doubt your sincerity to cooperate.”

Calmly shrugging his shoulders, Xu Ziling said, “I do not deliberately conceal anything from you, it’s just that because the time has not arrived, it’s of no interest to you.”

Wanwan spoke softly, “I know that Kou Zhong does not trust me, but what about Xu Ziling? I want to hear what’s in your heart.”

Xu Ziling met her gaze, he smiled and said, “I believe you can’t possibly, in these circumstances, betray us. However, there will come a day when you become Yin Gui Pai’s new generation master, the situation will be entirely different, because you have no choice but to give thought to your own Sect’s interest.”

Wanwan slowly shook her head; her heart filled with emotional stirring, she said, “I will never become Yin Gui Pai’s master, I already lost that kind of interest. The holy school’s Two Sects and Six Ways, each one harbors sinister design, there will only be bad things and nothing will succeed. I no longer want to spend my time being trapped in the pointless struggle within the Sect, I don’t want to waste my time in this regard.”

Stunned, Xu Ziling said, “Then why are you so active in dealing with Shi Zhixuan? Why not find a place to hide, to pass your days in some peace and happiness, in excellent leisure?

Remaining tranquil, Wanwan said, “Shizun’s [revered master] dream, I will accomplish with all of my heart, to the best of my ability. My eager-to-win heart can’t possibly be smaller than your brother’s. I will prove to everybody that the most outstanding person in the holy school is not Shi Zhixuan, but the disciple that Zhu Yuyan cultivated.”

Xu Ziling asked in astonishment, “I’m confused. What makes you think you can accomplish the dream of unifying the world with your own personal strength?”

Wanwan smiled and said, “Perhaps one day I will tell you, but not now. Enough chitchat, what exactly is Kou Zhong rushing about to prepare?”

“He went to see Ouyang Xiyi,” Xu Ziling replied.

Wanwan laughed and said, “You guys do have your way to do things; seeing Ouyang Xiyi, what for?”

Xu Ziling explained, “Only through Ouyang Xiyi we can utilize Li Yuan’s power, to force Shi Zhixuan so that he cannot rely on his old nest, and we lie in wait for Shi Zhixuan at the only road he can escape. When Li Yuan is forcing Shi Zhixuan to run away from the secret road, we will deliver a frontal assault to him, to break his Bu Si body in that particular environment.”

Wanwan’s spirit greatly aroused, she laughed and said, “Sweetheart [destined love in opera]! What exactly is the dog hole that Shi Zhixuan is hiding?”

When Kou Zhong came back, Xu Ziling was sitting in daze, pondering over whether Wanwan’s strategy of being independent, outside of the holy school, could still knock the world over, yet in the end he still came up with nothing.

Straightforward, Kou Zhong asked, “Where’s Wan Da Meiren?”

Xu Ziling replied, “After listening to tonight’s plan, she decided that whether success or failure, she must immediately leave Chang’an, therefore, she had to arrange a few things, for example, to take ‘Tianmo Jue’ out and carry it with her. That is my guess.”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “Even if it is not accurate, it shouldn’t be far away. She can’t be stupid enough to seek her Shimei Bai Qing’er to give her bad luck, can she?”

Xu Ziling responded indifferently, “She said she is giving up the Yin Gui Pai’s master throne; you think she is still interested in Bai Qing’er?”

Kou Zhong was stunned, “Is she joking?” he asked.

Shaking his head, Xu Ziling said, “I feel that she spoke the words from the bottom of her heart. Moreover, her new grand plan does not have any conflict with us, hence she is not afraid to reveal such a plan to us. Although she is still unwilling to tell us the details, I feel that her hostility toward us has greatly diminished. Ay! I wonder if there is some terrifying thought turning around in her head?”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “It’s useless to think too much of it, it’s better not to think about it. Ouyang Xiyi and I talked for nearly the entire sichen, our Zhu Shi Daji [grand plan to punish Shi] ought to proceed like seamless heavenly clothes. Yi Lao will claim falsely that the information came from Ci Hang Jing Zhai, he will point out to Li Yuan that he is to pretend that they had discovered signs of Cao San’s appearance in the Yuema Bridge area, hence the area is to be blockaded and they will conduct house-to-house search, to force Shi Zhixuan to return to the meditation room and disguise himself as Dade Shengseng. And tonight, by the Zi hour [11pm – 1am] the Wu Lou Si will be heavily surrounded, they will break in and attack Shi Zhixuan’s meditation room. Humph! This time, I want to see where Shi Zhixuan can run to?”

“Does Yi Lao know about the secret road under the meditation room?” Xu Ziling asked.

“Naturally we can’t conceal it from him, but we must conceal it from Li Yuan,” Kou Zhong replied, “There shouldn’t be any loophole in our plan, right?”

A hard to explain feeling welled up in Xu Ziling’s heart; after tonight, he might become the person who killed Shi Qingxuan’s father. No matter how much she loathed Shi Zhixuan, he was, after all, her Die. This situation might make Shi Qingxuan did not want to see him, Xu Ziling, even more, because she was afraid it might evoke the load on her mind.

Kou Zhong stretched out his limbs and said, “The only thing we can do now is to wait for Wanwan to come. Ay! I am very worried.”

Astonished, Xu Ziling asked, “What are you worried about?”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “I am worried about you! One lifetime two brothers; thinking that I am going roll you into the cruel battlefield, I am worried that you can’t stand that kind of either-killing-or-be-killed life.”

Laughing involuntarily, Xu Ziling said, “This won’t be my first day on the battlefield; before, I have never seen you said those things.”

Smiling bitterly, Kou Zhong said, “The three biggest battles you have ever experienced are the Battle of Jingling, the Battle of Helian Fort, and the Battle of Liangdu against Yuwen Huaji. All these three battles are for survival to save our lives, hence the heart is mighty, the qi is strong. But when you fight for victory, when you contend over territory, it’s a completely different story. War is a game to see whose injury is heavy and who can’t go on. Fighting spirit and morale are the top priorities, human’s life is as cheap as grass and mustard; ultimately it is a matter of winning and losing. I’m a bit better, because it’s my choice, but you are innocently being drawn into this maelstrom, hence the reason I’m worried about you.”

Xu Ziling smiled ruefully and said, “I have no other choice. How about we talk when the time comes? I don’t want to discuss this aspect now, it is too much of a distraction!”

Kou Zhong said, “Yi Lao told me that with his status as a friend, he had been happy to see and sincerely talk with Li Yuan about the issue of the successor to the imperial throne. According to him, Li Yuan has shown great determination toward Li Shimin. He sticks to his statement that Li Shimin has poisoned and secretly harmed Zhang Jieyu, and thus he changed from passive to active. On the one hand, he strengthens his own power, on the other hand he cuts down Li Shimin’s authority, by seizing the entire imperial government for himself. Unless Li Shimin is establishing his independence by becoming the emperor outside, when he returns to Chang’an, unless he is willing to be a handicapped person, he would face the fate of being deposed or even executed. Ay! Under the current military system, Li Shimin absolutely has no chance.”

Knitting his brows, Xu Ziling asked, “What other advice does Yi Lao have?”

Kou Zhong said, “Like you, he doubts whether Shi Feixuan’s choice of Li Shimin is wise. There is another matter: Yi Lao confirmed that with Li Jiancheng as the mediator, Li Yuan and Xieli have renewed their old cordial relations. This matter is even more unfavorable to Li Shimin. The day Li Shimin breaks through Luoyang will be the moment Li Yuan’s going to summon him back to Chang’an. Li Shimin’s military power outside the Pass will be transferred to Li Yuanji, who is willing to accompany Li Yuan playing polo. These are not what Yi Lao said, but Xiaodi’s inferences.”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “In light of the recent developments, your inferences might become a reality. Li Yuan sending Li Yuanji in Li Shimin’s place to meet Song JinGang head-on was precisely shaped by this kind of mentality. Only because Li Yuanji failed to live up to expectations that Li Shimin was able to sit firmly on his position.”

Kou Zhong said, “Without Tujue’s threat pressing down in front of their eyes, Li Yuan is able to have a free hand in letting Li Shimin to attack Luoyang, while he himself consolidates his power inside the Pass, and let Jiancheng and Yuanji to clear away all kinds of power who are in favor of Li Shimin. When Li Shimin withdraws his troops from the front and returns to the royal court, he will find out that with the exception of Tian Ce Fu and the insignificant three thousand strong Dark Armor personal guards, he can no longer use anybody else. Guanzhong Jian Pai will bear the brunt. Were it not for Cai Yuanyong is really not Cai Yuanyong but me, Kou Zhong, probably Guanzhong Jian Pai people will all be locked up in Tian Lao [heavenly prison]. His Niang’s! Li Yuan is really ruthless!”

Xu Ziling shook his head and said, “Li Yuan is really not a heartless person, on the contrary, he is affectionate and attaches importance to friendship. The problem is that his comradeship is being used toward Li Shimin’s enemies, hence he became this ruthless toward Li Shimin.”

Kou Zhong said, “Yi Lao said that currently Li Yuan is most worried about the move that Song Que, the Senior, is going to take; therefore, he has repeatedly urged Yi Lao to convince my future father-in-law. Without Song Que’s support to me, Li Yuan would not consider me worthy in his eyes. His Niang’s! I will prove it to him that despising me is a big mistake.”

Xu Ziling fell silent.

Casting a glance at him, Kou Zhong asked, “What are you thinking?”

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling said, “My brains suddenly become a blank space, I do not dare to think about what will happen in the future. Perhaps Li Yuan still won’t be heartless enough to give the order to kill Li Shimin, but those bunch of vicious people of the demonic school can’t possibly let him off. What is Feixuan going to do? Can she sit and watch, but remain indifferent?”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “So what if Li Shimin lives to be a hundred years old? One day the emperor is still Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng is still the legitimate successor to the throne. Unless Li kid raises his troops in rebellion. But you have also seen the current situation of the Tang Palace, do you think Li kid has a chance?”

Shaking his head, Xu Ziling said, “Totally without any chance.”

Kou Zhong said, “Rather than being killed by the people of the demonic school, or perhaps bearing the humiliation to save his skin, it would be better to have me bury Li kid in a horse hide on the battlefield; that way he still comes out as glorious, right?”

Xu Ziling said, “I want to go to see Li Shimin again.”

“What?” Kou Zhong blurted out.

Xu Ziling repeated what he said, he spoke in heavy voice, “Tonight, after our business is done, you go back to Pengliang, I am going to see Li Shimin.”

Frowning, Kou Zhong said, “What else do you have to say to him?”

“I don’t know,” Xu Ziling replied, “I’ll think about it when I see him. I want to know what’s in his heart.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Kou Zhong said, “Your relationship with him is a bit better. Presently I don’t have any friendly feelings toward him. He has made me too miserable. Huh?”

Warning alarm went off in the two boys’ heart, they sensed that there was a guest paying them a visit.

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